1464.1234123.NET SERVER
Our crawlers revealed that a lone page on 1464.1234123.net took three thousand four hundred and thirty-four milliseconds to stream. We could not detect a SSL certificate, so in conclusion our crawlers consider this site not secure.
We caught that 1464.1234123.net is employing the Apache/2.2.17 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.17 OpenSSL/0.9.8q DAV/2 PHP/5.2.5 operating system.SITE TITLE
山西绿尔康清洁服务有限公司 - 太原保洁公司山西保洁公司太原保洁 -Large rollup networkDESCRIPTION
山西绿尔康清洁服务有限公司是专业的清洁保洁公司我们将为您提供优质的服务承包酒店,商场,学校,停车场,医院,车站,各种日常保洁托 管与外墙清洗等太原保洁公司山西保洁公司太原保洁山西绿尔康清洁服务有限公司 - 太原保洁公司山西保洁公司太原保洁PARSED CONTENT
The web page has the following on the site, "从第 1 条到第 12 条 共 17 条." I saw that the web site also said "0 氧化铝 Al2O3 草酸 COOH2 一水抽洗 可适于布艺沙发椅子 使用设备 沙发椅子刷喷雾器吸水机,废纸打包机 绿尔康保洁- 专业擦玻璃打扫家钟点工油漆刮家滚家新家开荒地板打蜡清洗油烟机保姆家教疏通管道沙发护理 绿尔康保洁- 承接学校单位开荒保洁工程及装修后的居室复式楼别墅办公楼保洁空气检测治理防水外墙清洗粉刷 共 17 条 转到 第." They also said " Phone 总部亲贤街 400-0351-610 一部高新区 13327415696 二部下元 18334730468 三部五一路 13834147387 Mobile phone 13327415696 QQ 601919297. 今日访问总次数 3351 当前在线人数 8 查看流量." The meta header had 太原家政 as the first optimized keyword. This keyword is followed by 太原保洁, 打扫家, and 擦玻璃 which isn't as important as 太原家政. The other words 1464.1234123.net uses is 洗地毯. 展销保洁 is included and will not be seen by search parsers.